Parker District operates on the principles of a commission-based government. Commission members are elected by the community to serve six-year terms. Among the elected officials, members are appointed to act as Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary/Treasurer.
The Board of Commissioners holds regular meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 4 p.m. in the Robert T. Jones Administrative Building at 117 Smythe Street, Gree
Citizens are welcome and encouraged to attend all meetings. Any citizen of the District who wishes to speak at a commission meeting should contact the Administration Office at least two weeks before the meeting.
NOTE: Dates and locations of the regular meeting may be changed at the discretion of the Chairman.
Board of Commissioners
Mr. Randall A. Jones
Mr. M. Alan Kay
Vice Chairman, Fire Department Liaison
Mr. Wayne H. Moore
Secretary/Treasurer, Administration Liaison
Ms. Sarah B. Franco
Board Member
Mr. Charlie Mullinax
Board Member, Fleet Maintenance Liaison